In the dynamic world of aviation, partnerships play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of aspiring pilots. At LogTen, we’re proud of all the relationships we have with many flight schools, regional/legacy airlines, and other aviation partners to help pilots through their whole aviation career.

In this blog, we’re highlighting our partnership with SkyWest Airlines. Together, we’re making sure that pilots who are part of the SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program are set up for success right from their first logged flight hour.

“At Flight Schedule Pro and LogTen, we are deeply committed to providing comprehensive support to pilots throughout every stage of their aviation journey. Working together with the SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program, we have already been able to support over a thousand young pilots on their pilot career path. Furthermore, our partnership has streamlined processes for the SkyWest team, aiding them in efficiently tracking pilot flight time experience and aligning them with their career objectives.” – Nick Wegner, CEO Flight Schedule Pro/LogTen

Read on to see how this partnership is charting a course for success and empowering the next generation of aviators.

Take Control of Your Career – Take Control of Your Flight Time

The SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program provides a direct path for pilots to start their aviation careers with precision and purpose. With perks like guaranteed interviews, access to pilot mentors, and enhanced seniority, the SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program is ideal for those seeking to become one of SkyWest’s professional pilots.

Shanna's SkyWest Pathway Program Journey

SkyWest Pilot Pathway cadets also receive a free subscription for the LogTen digital pilot logbook for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac. LogTen is the leading logbook for professional pilots, with over 100,000 pilots using the platform today. For over 20 years, pilots have been relying on LogTen to track their flight hours, provide accurate calculations of their flight data, track endorsements, currency, rest and duty, and export perfect logbook reports, like the FAA’s 8710-1 and Jeppesen Pro 27 pilot logbook. For student pilots LogTen also helps them track their goals and progress toward their ATP license. 

“Tracking flight time is an important task for pilots, especially as they are starting their training. We have received great feedback from those who are part of the SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program in having access to LogTen because the digital logbook makes it simple for them to use and keep updated.” – Captain Jessica Mulligan, SkyWest Director of Flight Operations

Automated and Efficient Cadet Progress Tracking

The SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program includes partnerships with multiple flight schools across the country, including UND, ATP, L3HARRIS, and Sling Pilot Academy to name a few. As a result, the SkyWest team sought to efficiently track the progress of the thousands of pilots in their program.

SkyWest approached the LogTen team with this challenge and requested an integration between LogTen and their CRM. We responded by creating a scalable solution which SkyWest developers could easily connect to their system. This integration allows each cadet in the Pilot Pathway Program using LogTen to automatically transfer essential data, including total time, PIC, SIC, dual given, dual received, and other key metrics directly into the SkyWest system. 

Empowering Future Aviators

Beyond the convenience of digital record-keeping, this partnership is about empowering the next generation of aviators. From enhanced company introductions to top seniority at ground school, every aspect of the SkyWest Pilot Pathway Program is designed to nurture talent and foster success. With LogTen in their flight bag as a perk of the program, cadets can Take Control of their aviation careers with confidence.

Check Out LogTen Pilot Logbook in the App Stores!

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